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Tag category Spectral_dim_transfer

Key tags (columns):

Tags in table Spectral_dim_transfer:

TagDescriptiondata typeMandatory
Entry_IDPointer to '_Entry.ID'codeyes
IndirectA boolean code (yes or no) indicating if the magnetization transfer between spectral dimensions is indirect.yes_no 
Sf_IDPointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.Sf_ID'intyes
Spectral_dim_ID_1Pointer to '_Spectral_dim.ID'intyes
Spectral_dim_ID_2Pointer to '_Spectral_dim.ID'intyes
Spectral_peak_list_IDPointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID'intyes
TypeThe form of magnetization transfer (through-space onebond jcoupling).lineyes